Event Logistics
We know that pulling an event together can take a lot of time, effort and resource. So much so, that it can often feel like a second job in addition to your normal day job! From sourcing the perfect venue, to hiring jaw-dropping entertainment, creating a memorable brand and theming for the event, remembering who has which food allergy, changing last minute flight details, stage production, lighting, packing extra notes for your bosses’ big presentation…planning for every little detail can be a logistical nightmare…that’s where we come in! Penguins have a large team of Project Managers who are experts at doing all of the above and more on a daily basis so you can relax and do what you do best. When you know that we have everything in hand, putting on an incredible event will only make you look even more amazing than you already are.
Strong logistics management is absolutely essential in delivering the business results expected from the event. Our in-depth event management methodology has been developed and proven over the last 15 years, and is consistently recognized as best-in-class by our clients
Throughout the planning process, a strong focus will be placed on sourcing and negotiation to maximize your investment. Your programs will be staffed with industry experts to deliver the intended experience to your attendees. The final step of the event process is the compilation and analysis of all program results (qualitative and quantitative), and the formal measurement against the event strategy and goals to document the results.
When planning your event consider the following important logistical items:
- Schedules, agendas, scripts and other information needed by speakers as well as participants
- Guest accommodations, including travel, hotel, car rental, downtime while here, and any guests who need special accommodations
- Need for registration table, stage, podium, flowers, and flags
- Coat racks/hangers for guests during wintery months
- Seating Charts, linens, place cards
- Audio-visual equipment that might be needed by keynote or other speakers
- United States and Virginia State flags
- Gifts for speakers/attendees
- Reserved parking for speakers, special guests, and participants
- Photographer
- Signage for your event
- Thank-you notes to be sent to those who contributed